Mepo 3rd Graders Recognized for Science Project

Two 3rd Grade Mediapolis boys were recognized yesterday as Regional Winners of the 22nd Annual ExploraVision program, which is the worlds largest K-12 science competition.

Mak Kennedy and Michael Beekman were two of the 24 selected winners. There were close to 5,000 teams total. Their science project was the “Tornado Trasher”. Kennedy Cross with Toshiba was there to explain what the invention would do…

“It will be a helicopter that will go into the eye of the tornado and it will suck up the warm updraft. It will then take that updraft, run it through an air conditioned cooling system that will be built into the helicopter, dispelling it back out as cold air, therefore taking the energy away from the tornado and having the tornado die away as quick as possible”

The purpose of ExploraVision was for students such as Kennedy and Beekman, to propose ideas for new technology based on a challenge or limitation of what already exists. Both third graders received a Toshiba tablet and a plaque.
