Workers Killed at IAAAP in Middletown Honored Today

The Iowa Army Ammunition Plant in Middletown has claimed 69 lives since it’s first day of operation back in 1941.


Today family members, plant workers and others in the community placed roses at the Eagle Park Memorial to honor and remember those individuals, as well as all people who died serving our country.

One family brought an 8×10 photograph of their sister, Sylvia Sue Clark, who was only 18-years-old when she died at the plant…


Clark’s other sister LaVeta Smith, brought with her a hand written note about her deceased sister. She gave us the letter because she wasn’t able to read it during the memorial ceremony.
In her message, she talks about when their mother passed, and that before she took her last breath, she said that Sylvia was there to get her, with her arms wide open.


Most of the names on the memorial stone were from the early years of operation. In it’s first year, in 1941, 15 people were killed. The next year, 22 passed. The most recent death was of Matt Parrott in 2009.


Lieutenant Colonel Michael Triplett, Commander of the Ammunition Plant, reminded everyone to take the time this Memorial Day weekend to remember those who served our country, not only in uniform, but at places like the Iowa Army Ammunition Plant…

