Public-Private E-D Effort in LeeCo

*Lee County’s Economic Development Group yesterday(Thur) morning announced its 5-year strategic plan and campaign.

Campaign co-chairs Joe Steil and Jamie Baier say 25 investors have already raised almost 1.2-million dollars, or 108 percent of the goal.


** The Vision Iowa Board is awarding a 1-million dollar Community Attraction & Tourism(CAT) grant to the City of Fairfield for a multi-purpose gym and outdoor aquatic center. The whole project will cost a little over 8-million dollars…and the city is required to come up with the balance within 60 days.


*In Nauvoo, the Economic Development Committee is working on a plan to transform Duck’s Foods…the city’s only grocery store…into a community-owned business. Officials are trying to raise $150,000 to lease the current store…purchase the inventory…and update the facade(fuh-SAHD), along with the interior…implement a computerized point-of-sale system…and install energy-efficient lighting. So far, Nauvoo Tourism Director Kim Orth says $59, 500 has been raised.