City, County Officials Receive Disaster Training Grant

City and County officials will be heading to Maryland next year for specialized disaster training, thanks to a grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Des Moines County Emergency Management Coordinator Gina Hardin says that the group will focus on preparing for a very specific disaster scenario during the training.

“We proposed that our scenario would be an EF4 or EF5 tornado coming through Burlington or West Burlington,” Hardin told the Burlington City Council during a Monday night meeting, “And, with that, they would put us through some training and talk about our planning and what we do locally, and then put us through an exercise for a few days.”

Between 75-80 people from a variety of government entities will be taking part in the training, which runs between June 27th and 30th of 2016.

The training will take place at FEMA’s campus in Emmitsburg, Maryland.