Fireball Run Premiere Screening

This news feature brought to you by Midwest Realty Group

Chad Palmer and Shane McCamble cocktail hour/meet and greet Friday, Jan. 4th

Last night was the premiere showing of the Burlington episode of the Amazon Prime T.V. show The Fireball Run.

The night begun with a cocktail hour/meet and greet at the Burlington Art Center at 6:00 PM. During this time the two Fireball Run leaders from Burlington Chad Palmer who is the President/CEO of Energyficient systems and our Mayor Shane McCamble where doing a photo shoot with everyone who walked through the doors of the art center. After the meet and greet/cocktail hour everyone waked around the corner to the Capital Theater for the premiere showing.

During the showing several people got up and talked including Jason Hutcheson. After this they premiered the episode, the episode featured contestants visiting several places around Burlington including Kenny’s Roller Ranch and Snake Ally. After the show Mayor McCamble and the City Council declared January 4th Erin Pospisil remembrance day.