Burlington Fire Department Chosen For NFPA Program


Burlington Ia-  The Burlington Fire Department has been selected by the National Fire Protection Association

(NFPA) to participate in a pilot program to build a digital community risk assessment (CRA)

tool. The tool will enable community leaders to make data-informed decisions around fire

prevention and other risk-reduction activities.


According to the NFPA, the concept of community risk reduction – a process that identifies and

prioritizes the risks specific to a particular location – has been gaining traction across North

America for more than 20 years thanks to new technology, access to data, and a shifting focus on

prevention. Reflecting that momentum, NFPA’s tool is being designed to help fire departments collect and analyze data that pinpoints where risks exist within a given community.


To date, more than 150 fire departments throughout the U.S. have applied to

participate and a total of 50 awards will be selected in 2019. The departments were selected

based on a variety of factors, including size, geography, region, experience with CRR activities,

support from the community, as well as other indicators.