Local Park Playgrounds Close Due to Pandemic

This is an official press release from the Burlington Iowa City Council. -KBUR News Team

Effective immediately, all City of Burlington park playgrounds and play structures are temporarily
closed from use until further notice. Such areas shall be posted closed by the Parks

Given the current situation and the guidance from public health officials on physical distancing,
limiting in-person social interactions, avoiding spaces where people congregate in close
quarters, and the concerns around the transmission of the virus being spread through surfaces, we
believe that playgrounds and play structures should temporarily close in an effort to reduce
community spread.

Public parks, trails, and green spaces that provide adequate room for physical distancing will
remain open for the public to use in responsible ways that protect public health and safety at
this time. We continue to urge the responsible use of these public places that remain open:

  • stay home if you are sick or have symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath,)
  •  maintain 6-foot social distances
  • avoid public gatherings
  • wash your hands often
  • cover mouth when you cough or sneeze
  • do not touch your face
  •  ensure touched surfaces are clean

It is recommended that individuals stay home and limit themselves to essential trips in order to
slow the spread and impact of COVID-19.