Calling All Iowa High School Girls Interested in Politics

DES MOINES – On February 9, 2016, the Iowa Department of Human Rights’ Office on the Status of Women and the Girl Scouts will host an annual event for high school girls throughout the state of Iowa called Capitol Girls.

The day will begin at 7:30 a.m. and conclude at approximately 3:30 p.m. The Capitol Girls program helps girls enhance personal leadership skills and develop professional etiquette. Young women will see firsthand what legislators do on a day-to-day basis. They will shadow a female legislator to learn how state laws and budgets are developed and passed and get an inside look at what it is like to be a woman in politics.

The day will begin with an exclusive look at the Iowa General Assembly. Girls will be introduced in both the Iowa Senate and the Iowa House of Representatives and then paired with female legislators. Young women will see the importance of staying connected with politics and witness the impact female legislators have in an elected office. Participants will also get the opportunity to hear Lt. Governor Kim Reynolds speak and learn vital information on how to be a successful woman in politics.

All participants are encouraged to bring a positive attitude, come dressed for success, and be prepared for a day of fun. Don’t miss this opportunity to be involved in the annual Capitol Girls program! Space is limited. The deadline for registration is Tuesday, January 26, 2016. For more information in participating in Capitol Girls 2016, please visit the Girls Scouts website to register at: or email with questions.

Young women can register individually or as a group. If the young woman is already a Girl Scout, the cost for this event is $15; the cost for non-Girl Scouts is $30 which includes a one-year membership to Girl Scouts. The cost covers breakfast and lunch for the day.