Chocolate Lovers Taste Testing in Downtown Burlington



15 different stores in downtown Burlington are participating in the second annual Chocoholic Frolic that starts at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 11th.

Tickets for the event are $12 and can be purchased at the Iowa Store and Weird Harold’s. The ticket is your entry for a prize gift basket drawing, to be held at the Des Moines County Heritage Center at the end of the event. They will have a hot cocoa bar on hand and a display of Burlington chocolate manufacturing and confectionary artifacts as well.

The Des Moines County Historical Society for sponsoring the Chocoholic Frolic.

Following is a list of stores participating in the event:

Des Moines County Heritage Center, 501 N. Fourth
The Iowa Store, 400 Front
The Funky Cowgirl, 212 Jefferson
Tastefully Yours, 218 Jefferson
Capitol Theater, 211 N. Third
Art Center of Burlington, 301 Jefferson
Red Screen Door, 301 Jefferson
Gypsi, 312 Jefferson
The Medium/Weird Harold’s, 411 Jefferson
Country Friends, 413 Jefferson
Csky Boutique, 417 Jefferson
Nature’s Corner, 423 Jefferson
Uptown Ivy, 514 Jefferson
Original Cyns, 520 Jefferson
Burns & Sons Direct Appliances, 711 Jefferson