Governor hires school choice advocate to lead Iowa Dept. of Education


Des Moines, IA-  Governor Reynolds has named an eastern Iowa native and leader in the national school choice movement to be the next director of the state’s Department of Education.

Radio Iowa reports that Chad Aldis is a 1990 graduate of Clinton High School. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, he worked for Florida legislators, then as an administrator in the Florida Department of Education. Aldis then moved to Ohio and was executive director of School Choice Ohio for nearly four years.

For the past nine-and-a-half years, he’s been with a national think tank that advocates for charter schools and the kind of state-funded savings accounts for private school expenses that Iowa’s governor recently signed into law. Governor Reynold says this is a pivotal time for Iowa’s education system and Aldis will help lead reform efforts.

Aldis says he shares the governor’s vision and will focus on ensuring all students leave high school with the knowledge and skills to prepare them for college or a career.

Aldis is replacing Ann Lebo, who recently announced she would be resigning as the head of the department.  Aldis begins his position on March 15th.