Des Moines County Conservation Owl Prowl


Burlington, IA-  Des Moines County Conservation is inviting residents to join them for the first Owl Prowl of 2024.

According to an online post, Des Moines County Conservation will be hosting three owl prowls during the month of February, with the first being held on February 14th.

All three events will be held from 7 to 8 PM and will be led by a naturalist.

Each will begin with a short presentation on owls and calling for owls using recorded calls.  Participants will then head out for a 2-mile round trip night hike, where they will have the chance to hear and possibly see owls.

The event is free to attend, but advanced registration is required.

For more information, contact Starr’s Cave Nature Center at (319)-753-5808, or visit them on Facebook.