Iowa Attorney General warns of storm-chaser scams, price gouging

Des Moines, IA-  Following severe storms this past weekend, Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird is warning Iowans of scammers and shady contractors who exploit natural disaster victims.

According to a news release, Iowans should be on guard for clean-up, home-repair, and construction contractors, including those seeking business door-to-door and asking for payment in advance.

“The storms that tore through Iowa over the weekend destroyed homes and livelihoods,” said Attorney General Bird. “My heart goes out to every Iowan who was hit. This is when we need to lean on each other more than ever, neighbor-to-neighbor, and keep an eye out for those who seek to take advantage of Iowans’ hardships. Iowans are resilient, but they should not need to fight off scammers while rebuilding their lives. Before hiring a contractor, take your time, do your research, and protect yourself from falling victim to a storm-chaser scam. My office is always a resource to those who suspect they are being targeted by scammers.”

To learn more about how to avoid scammers and price gougers, visit