Des Moines County Fair Brings Fun to the Whole Family

There’s still plenty of time left to head out to the Des Moines County Fair, which has been going on since last Monday. Board President Danny Breuer says that it’s been a great fair so far.

“Fair’s been very well attended, we’ve had excellent weather. We’ve had new activities bringing a bunch of people out. It’s been going really well,” said Breuer.

Last night, kids and adults alike enjoyed the County Fair Dance and the Fireworks Show that went on late into the evening. Today (Sunday), it’s the small pet show, chainsaw carving auction, and what’s called the “Final Drive”–a livestock show of immense proportions.

“They have the champions from six other fairs [in five animal categories], and they pick a champion out of them,” Breuer told KBUR.

There’s still quite a bit left to go before the fair cleans up on Tuesday. Monday is the Des Moines County Fair Rodeo, Tuesday is the Livestock Auction before they pack it up for the year.